What I learned at the sewing machine about impostor syndrome

What I learned at the sewing machine about impostor syndrome

At first when the instructor taught me the ins and outs of a sewing machine, I felt a tinge of anxiety.

“Oh, I’m gonna mess this up.

“I need all this detail written down on a Google Doc so I can study it, then maybe I’d feel competent enough to use a sewing machine for the first time.” 😂

Then I had a flash of insight.

I was feeling a fraction of what some of my coaching clients feel at work, at the cusp of new challenges and new responsibilities — which they’ve described as impostor syndrome.

“I don’t know enough.

“But I have to do this new thing *really* well.

“Otherwise I might lose the respect of others.”

At the sewing center last night, I didn’t worry about losing the respect of my fellow sewers and quilters.

I was a newbie after all.

After some help from the instructor and a friendly talk with a mentor, I was sewing two seams together, then two more and another two more and really enjoying the process.

And I learned something insightful.

The term “scrappy” comes from the practice of resourceful sewers (and let’s face it, most of them have been women historically) literally sewing together scraps of leftover fabric to make a patchwork of warmth and cover.

And it occurred to me that being scrappy — being resourceful, mixing and matching a little bit of what seems inadequate on the surface — is how impostor syndrome is overcome.

In my coaching sessions, I ask my clients:

🧵What if not knowing enough, or not (yet) having formal credentials, is not a problem?

🧵What if getting started doesn’t have to be anything close to perfection?

🧵What if you can trust your ability to learn new skills, and respect your inner resourcefulness?

Are you a woman manager who wants to overcome your imposter syndrome so you can courageously tackle challenges and make progress in your career?

If so, I can help you.

In my bespoke 1:1 coaching practice I equip woman managers with the tools to go from scrappy to confident.

If that’s what you want you’re invite to book a free sales call with me. Click here to book today.

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