Hello from Singapore!

Hello from Singapore!

I'm vacationing in Singapore this week.

Transparency disclaimer: I queued this email up the day before I boarded the Singapore Airlines plane from Newark Airport.

So, technically speaking, I'm saying hello from the past...

But as you're reading this on the first week of July and most of you are in the Western hemisphere, I'll be hours ahead of you in Asia...

So, in a sense, I'm also saying hello from the future.

If I sit here and meditate on this for five whole minutes, I'll be lost and dazed in a time-is-an-illusion trance.

Speaking of going back and forth on the time continuum, I'm sharing some of my favorite podcast episodes because they'll inspire you to think about your future in a bigger, more audacious light. 

Grace is a former client of mine who went from, at the beginning of her career, making minimum wage as an indigenous person in Alaska to becoming the self-empowered CEO of her own consulting agency, more than quadrupling her income in the five months she worked with me. 

Will everyone quadruple their income working with me? Err...no.  

Shall we place Grace on a shiny pedestal and make the rest of us feel shabby? Heck no.  

But shall we pay attention when she presents us with the living, breathing example of what's possible when we unlearn bad programming from a society that systematically cuts down smart, gifted women and women of color? And shall we consider the possibility that her message "no one can stop you" applies to us, too, when we reclaim our self-worth and take action towards our dreams? 


This is a solo episode where I walk you through the 8 specific, embarrassing, and painful mistakes I made in salary negotiations early in my career. 

I also walk you through 6 steps I advise all my clients to take and what you can say word-by-word, so you can boost your negotiation confidence, strengthen your network, and set yourself up for getting better paid.

As people socialized or identifying as women, gender socialization nudges us to be less assertive, less open, and less communicative about what we want, how to ask, and how to get it. 

The best antidote is for us to talk more about negotiating - the ugly and the good - and sharing the best of what we know with other women in our network. 

So please share this email with your friends, because there's nothing sweeter for me than to flip my embarrassing mistakes into nuggets of wisdom that help you and your friends get bolder, braver, and better paid. 

Back on the time machine: The above is me in Singapore in December 2018, when my friend Gia took me to the world-famous hawker stands and we shared a delicious meal, Singapore-style. 

Back then, I had 5.5 years LESS experience in all things compared to the me now, from running a coaching practice to being knowledgeable about myself as a highly sensitive person, but dang it, I'm still kinda jealous the younger me had way more collagen in her cheeks.

But what I do know is that I've become more and more of who I want to be: habitually kind and generous, but razor sharp when it comes to drawing and honoring boundaries of time and ethics. 

Who do you want to be 1 or 5 years from now? 

How proud do you want to be for doing what may even surprise you, including negotiating and navigating your own path forward in your career and life? 

You're invited to book your free 1:1 consultation with me because you want to become the version your younger self would gladly look up to. 

Talk soon,


What I do when I feel inadequate at work

What I do when I feel inadequate at work

{REPLAY} Confidence Lab: Self-Directed Neuroplasticity Tools

{REPLAY} Confidence Lab: Self-Directed Neuroplasticity Tools