What Worthiness Looks Like (a short poem)

What Worthiness Looks Like (a short poem)

We’ve forgotten what worthiness looks like.

Here’s a quick reminder:

Worthiness looks like you exasperated and about to throw your laptop out the window,

because dealing with Critical Chris and that last nit-picky email is absolutely the last thing you want to do

when you’re already so friggin’ exhausted from perimenopause

Worthiness looks like you

having stress diarrhea on a Wednesday afternoon

10 minutes before a virtual presentation to the cross-functional team

(thank goodness this is a work from home day, you say to yourself)

Worthiness looks like you

wracked with guilt as you jump on a call

booked last minute with an important investor at 5:30pm,

and you’re already 30 minutes late to mommy time with your boisterous and lovable 2 year-old

Worthiness looks like you overworked and underutilized, stressed and at peace, appreciated and misunderstood, confused and crystal clear.

Don’t look outside yourself for worthiness

It’s right here


Right now.

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  Look inside my home office: Lemme introduce myself

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