How to Get Out of the Overwork, Under-Advocate Loop

When you find yourself in the loop of overworking but hesitating to advocate for what you want in your career… 

This doesn’t mean you can’t negotiate (we all become negotiators the moment we learn how to say "No" at the age of two)

Or that you don’t have the "right" personality to be an influential leader (being loud and extroverted is NOT a leadership requirement)…

High-Level Discussions with the C-Suite and Beyond

My client routinely works with the C-suite. She works among executives and will become one herself. 

But before coaching with me, whenever she had to interact with the CEO (which is on a fairly regular basis), she'd freeze up in high levels of anxiety 🥶 -- her mind spiraling, her jaw clenched, her palms cold and wet. 

Cautionary tale about negotiating like ajumma

My coaching practice is inspired by this spicy  ajumma — Korean word meaning "auntie," usually referring to a mother with strong elbows and IDGAF attitudes.

But let me share with you a cautionary tale about negotiating like an ajumma —

Read more for the full story.

How I learned to advocate for myself with less anxiety

When it came to engaging in informal coffee chats with the company COO, or when I sat down 1:1 with my direct supervisor or an industry mentor to talk about the career growth I wanted for myself... 

I'd inexplicably find myself tongue-tied and unsure of myself, with a lump of anxiety pressing into my throat and stomach.  Here’s what I learned since then.

What My "Evil" Grandma Taught Me About Money

Money is simply a bonus byproduct of having honored the limitless capacity of the human mind and soul, of having cultivated courage and conviction in the face of difficult circumstances. 

Honoring your humanity and taking courageous action enable you to be gainfully employed, to be present and available to those you love when you're not working, so you can experience the joy of a well-lived life.

What My Mom Taught Me About Women's Financial Empowerment

Who I am and what I do today would've been impossible, if my mother didn't earn her own money as a professional. 

This lights a FIRE in my soul to help women help themselves do and provide better. Because the impact of women's financial empowerment ripples out and enhances the lives of people generations out. 

What I learned at the sewing machine about impostor syndrome

At first when the instructor taught me the ins and outs of a sewing machine, I felt a tinge of anxiety.

“Oh, I’m gonna mess this up.

“I need all this detail written down on a Google Doc so I can study it, then maybe I’d feel competent enough to use a sewing machine for the first time.” 😂

Then I had a flash of insight.

I had no idea this could happen

When I graduated college nearly twenty years ago, I had no idea what I was doing.

I worked in sales, in finance, in procurement, and later at tech startups…

not because I had a passion for any of those things, but simply because my employers gave me a paying job.

Though I was competent enough to get hired, get promoted, and grow a team…

I had very little confidence in myself, and it showed.

Read more to learn how I turned this around.

Bounce Back Workshop (REPLAY)

In this replay, you’ll see me teach the core principles that help me and my clients bounce back from being thwarted, getting disappointed, and feeling doubtful in our careers.

You’ll also see me coach attendees, one at a time.

If you know anyone else who could benefit from this replay, please be kind and share.